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3478 Saint Dominic's Way of Prayer

  • NEW! By Mary Elizabeth O'Brien. Until now, there has been very little information available in English about St. Dominic's nine modes of prayer. This new book is a unique and well-researched introduction to the topic. Dominic's spiritual sons and daughters—and anyone interested in prayer—will find this a fascinating tour of how this joyful founder prayed and how his nine ways can be incorporated practically into a contemporary prayer life. Each of  the ways is illustrated by stories and examples from Dominic's life, the lives of the brethren, and by anecdotes from the lives of other saints and blesseds, including those of our own time. 

    Says the author, "Dominic’s postures and gestures…depict the prayerful concepts of reverence, humility, repentance, faith, devotion, charity, openness to the Spirit and commitment to evangelization.” The nine ways can be a powerful springboard for contemplative spirituality.

    220 pp. Softcover.

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