Dr. Mary Elizabeth O’Brien, in this, her latest captivating work…reveals the fascinating life of our sister Rose of Lima, [and] shares her insight that Rose was a pioneer in the concept of community healthcare.
Br. Gerard Thayer, OP
In her book, Rose of Lima, A Blessed Ministry to the Sick Poor, Dr. Mary Elizabeth O’Brien offers in rich detail a model of community/public healthcare that St. Rose of Lima, a visionary Dominican woman, implemented in Lima, Peru in the 17th century.
Br. Ignatius Perkins, OP, PhD, RN, FAAN, ANEF, FRSM
Chair and Professor, School of Nursing
Spalding University, Louisville, KY
Rather than a dry accounting of the life of Saint Rose, this work transports the reader to 17th century colonial Lima. I am certain you will find Rose of Lima not only well-researched, but also a fascinating read!
Patricia C. McMullen, PhD, RN, JD, CRNP, FAANP, FAAN
Dean and Professor, The Conway School of Nursing
The Catholic University of America
B3468 Rose of Lima: A Blessed Ministry to the Sick Poor
By Dr. Mary Elizabeth O’Brien, OP, Phd, RN, MSW, MTS, FAAN.
Rose, a 17th-century Dominican tertiary from Peru, embraced a life of solitary prayer and penance. At the same time, however, like her model St. Catherine of Siena, Rose also reached out in compassionate ministry to the ill and impoverished Indian women of her Spanish colony, for whom healthcare was virtually non-existent. Rose not only visited the sick poor in their homes but also created a small clinic or infirmary for them in her own home.
This new, carefully-researched biography of St. Rose focuses on her example as a “pioneer” in community/public healthcare many centuries before the identification of the discipline as such by the medical community. She saw the face of Christ in the poor and the sick and sought to serve Him in them.
150 pp. Softcover.